Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I guess I just don't understand the compulsion that drives people to blog. I enjoy reading and commenting on other blogs, but It seems that I lack motivation to keep a blog going myself.

I enjoy writing, I enjoy debates, It would seem blogging is perfect for me, but, I lack the motivation to actually keep a blog going. This was my 3rd or 4th attempt at blogging, and again once I start to feel obligated to update the blog, I lose all interest in actually doing so. This may be my last post.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Author Krakauer helping in hunt for polygamist leader

So... an anti-mormon author is on the heels of a fundamentalast-mormon leader. now that's comedy!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Well, there are two main stories of interest today...

LDS handling of grave wins official's praise

This is a story that covers a lot of ground... given the mormon urban legends about the structure of the tabernacle, it was suprising to me to see the church felt the need to retrofit the thing.

But kudos to the church on handling the ancient bones in a very reverent and respectful manner.

The other story is found here:

Leader of B.C. sect flees in polygamy case

We could be looking at a Waco of the sort-of-mormons. Why do the polygamy sects have to identify with the Mormon church anyhow? Couldn't they just call themselves polygamists instead of fundamentalists? Or do the newspapers make this up?


The purpose of this blog is to post links to interesting news stories about the LDS church. Also, I will provide my very own commentary on each story as I see fit. Finally, I hope that many people will be interested enough to join in and comment on my posts.

My main source for finding stories to include will be several google news alerts that I have set up to try to catch all mormon-related news.

Although some stories may end up portraying the church in a controversial, or even negative light, I am not trying to make this site anti-mormon. I am a believing member, although I do believe that the church is not perfect, and has room to improve.

My goal will be to post at least once per day, and If I like how the blog turns out after a week or so, I will advertise myself in the bloggernaccle to greatly increase my readership. Of course, if somebody else stumbles across this site and lets the cat out of the bag before I'm ready, that's just the way things go.

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